House Lead - Crystal Weber


Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. In fact, out of all the houses Hufflepuff has produced the least number of dark witches and wizards. The badger is the symbol of this house, the colours are yellow and black, the Head of House is Professor Pomona Sprout and the common room can be found near the kitchens in Hogwarts. There is an idea that Hufflepuffs are the least clever of all Hogwarts students – but that is not true. Hufflepuffs are just the most humble of all the houses and don’t feel the need to shout about their achievements in the same way as the others. If you were lucky enough to be sorted into this house, we can imagine you’re the type of person who has a strong moral compass, always works hard, is the most loyal friend, knows it is the taking part that counts and always has the best snacks.